The Ninety-Nines is an illustrious organization that stands as a testament to the pioneering spirit and unwavering determination of women in aviation. Founded in 1929 by Amelia Earhart and 98 other female pilots, the Ninety-Nines serves as a global network for women pilots, fostering camaraderie, professional development, and advocacy in the male-dominated field of aviation. With a nearly a century history, this remarkable organization continues to empower women of all ages to pursue their dreams of flight while honouring those who blazed trails before them the legacy of t. We currently have over 7,750 members around the world. A Ninety-Nines membership makes you part of a family, a sisterhood, a unique group of women who share their passion for flight in all its aspects. Membership confers an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of youths and adults, to become part of history, and to share your joy of flight with other women. Virtually all women of achievement in aviation have been or are members of The Ninety-Nines.
The First Canadian Chapter is part of the East Canada Section, and is the largest Chapter in Canada. If you are looking for an upcoming 99s Event, information about our Scholarship & Awards, Mentorship, Aviatrix History in Canada, you are in the right place. Feel free to browse around and see what the Ninety-Nines have to offer you, as a female pilot or female student pilot.

Professional Pilot Leadership
Not only do companies need women to step up as leaders, the worldwide aviation industry is slowly making strides to have more women in leading positions. Professional Pilot Leadership Initiative (PPLI) is a mentoring program which will connect you with other supportive fellow Ninety-Nines. It will help you to develop and enhance your leadership talents and qualities. And it will assist you to strengthen and advance your career progress.

Established in 1940 to help members to further accomplish their flight goals, today the Amelia Earhart Memorial Scholarship fund exceeds $5 million and provides advanced training, additional ratings, jet type ratings, college degrees, tech training and Emergency Maneuver Training. Research Scholar Grants and First Wings Awards for Student Pilots.

Join the 99s
Membership makes you part of a family, a sisterhood, a unique group of women who share the passion for flight in all its aspects and have been for 95 years. Membership Classifications: Ninety-Nine: A woman with a pilot certificate or international equivalent. Student Pilot: A woman who holds either 1) a student pilot certificate or 2) a Logbook with current lesson, a letter from instructor or flight school and Government issued ID showing gender