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East Canada Section 99s Annual General Meeting

On behalf of the East Canada Section Executives, it gives me great pleasure to invite you to attend the ECS 99s Annual General Meeting to be held at the YMCA Geneva Park, Orillia ON, Saturday 25 May 2019, at 10:00 a.m.

During the meeting we will present the reports to you of the East Canada Section’s financial statements, committees, strategy and what is expected for 2019/2020.

The notice of meeting Registration Package attached to this email details the full day’s agenda to be held with the meeting.

If you are unable to stay Saturday overnight, I encourage you to try and attend the meeting for at least the daytime portion and dinner banquet.

As the date gets closer, we will be sending you the AGM business agenda, and proxy forms if you are unable to attend, appointing someone as your proxy to vote on your behalf.

The AGM will be hosted by the First Canadian Chapter, and they have created a fantastic day for you and your family, at this lovely outdoor conference centre location.

 For members who can’t fly and live in the other parts of the East Canada Section…let’s try and get you carpooling with other members from your chapter, or a nearby chapter! 

Share a room in the lodge, or camping at the Orillia-Rama Airport…we have options available for you!If you have any questions, Elizabeth Walker, Chair of the First Canadian Chapter will be happy to answer. Her email is included on page two of the attached package outlining all the exciting activities going on throughout the day for you as a Ninety-Nine, and what your family can do during the day.

I encourage you to attend the AGM and look forward to seeing you there.

The ECS Registration Package w/Registration Form, Registration Form in Word doc format and the Registration Form in a PDF were sent to members by email.  Instructions are on the Forms.   We would appreciate your filling in the forms now so we can advise the conference organizers at Geneva Park on the number of meals and rooms required. You can download a copy of there form here …

Thank you, I look forward to seeing most of you at the Section annual meeting,
Best Regards,

Robin HadfieldThe 99s East Canada Section Governor

Robin Hadfield, Governor

Kim Winsor, Vice Chair

Lesley Page, Secretary

Grace Howell, Treasurer

Lisa Bishop, Past Governor