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FCC Members with CASARA, help to save lives.

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There are a few members in the First Canadian 99s who volunteer with the organization CASARA. One member is with the Niagara Central unit, while four are with the newest Edenvale unit. All our members are invited to join CASARA and get involved as ground support, pilot, navigators or spotters.

Contact to learn more about CASARA, or check out their website at

On the CASARA Manual they selected a photo featuring our member Wendy C.
Last week we were asked to assist the ParaRescue SAR Techs in a training mission.
We provided the bodies, while they searched for our location, once found they jumped from the Herc with their emerg treatment kits. 
They then proceeded to treat the injured in the field. Once the injured were stabilized and treatment started, they call in the Griffon helicopter to provide an airlift.
We then drive them back to the local airport where the Herc was waiting.
After a tour inside the Herc we all had a nice lunch together.