Date: TBD
Rain Date : TBD
Poker Run Rules
- Everyone is encouraged to participate! Poker hands can be flown/driven by a surrogate.
- Each Poker hand scoresheet represents one entry.
- Poker Scoresheets can be printed off here and filled in prior to arrival. Please ensure all information is legible & completely filled in.
- Register, pay for as many hands as you want to play, draw the FIRST 2 CARDS for each hand.
- Planes fly to your choice of a 2nd airport and draw 2 CARDS per hand. Then fly to Edenvale to draw your final card.
- Vehicles proceed directly to Edenvale Terminus where they pick 3 final cards
- At each airport the attending 99s will stamp and initial your plating hand scoresheet.
- ALL players are eligible for a prize, including those of persons not physically present.
- Arrive Edenvale/CNV8 Terminus by 14:30 p.m. and submit hands.
- CASARA EDENVALE will have the bbq going for you to purchase lunch on the deck!
Poker Hand Cost
Single Hand – $20
4 Hands – $60
Purchase unlimited poker hands! All proceeds go towards the First Canadian Chapter 99s awards, scholarship and educational programs
Poker Hand Ranking
Judging will be according to standard Draw Poker.
The judges’ decision is final. Anyone who ‘flies/drives’ a winning hand is responsible for picking up the prize at the terminus and delivering it to the owner of the winning hand.
Poker Hand Ranking
Download and print your Score Sheet below…